
Alt-text: "It's important to hit the right voice when talking about HER. Some ar better at it than others."

Let me talk a bit about ... eyes. And the number of them. Which has some significance in empire symbology.

As Baroc, like the other humanoid people in Yra, have one pair of eyes, this is what you would expect anyone to have in any iconography that represents "normal" people. Anyone who is below that (by empire lore anyone who is not a baroc loyal to The Empress and Galca) might even be depicted without eyes at all.

Distinguished dignitaries and important people will be represented by a second pair of eyes. Thats why Ech'Eta here is wearing a headpiece with four gemstones in it, representing two pairs of eyes (although you can better see it on the last page, e.g. in panel 3). Note how she makes use of this in her attire here to signal that she is still a devout member of the Empire.

Three pairs of eyes are only reserved for the highest ranking, most blessed member of Empire society. Which is what you can see on the masks those "Daughters of the Empress" are wearing.

Four pairs of eyes is only for the Empress herself, and the World Snake Galca that she is the avatar of.


Also of note is, that sometimes those numbers are not represented in pairs, but in singles (so 1, 2, 3 or 4 "eyes"), if either the perspective of the art doesn't allow for showing pairs - or if the thing you are assigning "eyes" to doesn't really have a face.

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