<A few days later, late afternoon, in Serpent's End. Katharina stands somewhere under a tree, waiting>
<Katharina sees Shara coming, lifts her hand and smiles>
Katharina: Hey, Shara!
Katharina: How are you? Is everything alright ... ?
Shara: <using two crutches> I won't answer that. But I DID make it here without any bigger problems ...
Katharina: Well, that's great! I told you, you'd be walking again, soon, didn't I?
Shara: LIMPING. I'm not walking, I'm limping. I feel like it takes forever just to go to the toilet ...



Alt-text: "Are those the Drak war-crutches? The hidden blades seem to be hidden very well ..."

To the few people reading this: sorry it took so long to upload, I just finished drawing the page ...

Updated on 2018-03-24: Reading the above comment I'm glad that nowadays I try to always have about 3 strips in reserve ...

One thought on “page149

  1. we fully understand! :D

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