Katharina: Ugh - SHAR! How can you ... you can't just ... ARGH I can't even get MAD at you anymore!
Shara: Great.
Katharina: ... that was a LIE. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
Shara: Heh. CALM DOWN, Kat! I was trying to be rude on PURPOSE! I was TESTIN' him!
Katharina: You ... WHAT? W-wll it WORKED! Why the heck would you DO that?!
Shara: To throw hom out of BALANCE, of course! Make him show his TRUE SELF! 'S called TACTICS, y'know?
Katharina: That sounds ... really STUPID, Shara.
Shara: Well I'm DRUNK, gimme a break.
Katharina: ALREADY? <sighs>
Shara: Why the hell NOT? It's a PARTY! And the next week we'll sleep in TENTS. At best.
Shara: C'MON princess. It's our last night in CIVILIZATION. LIVE a little. Just TONIGHT.
<Shara wants to give Katharina the bottle>
<Katharina takes the bottle>
Katharina: ... ah SCREW IT. Give me that BOTTLE.



Alt-text: "When retelling the story of this night later they'll identify this last panel as the point where everything went to hell."

I just came home and am pretty tired so I won't say a lot.    


... thanks for listening.

One thought on “page285

  1. It was a good talk!

    Comic: Seems like Shara and Katharina start learning from each other (yeah, it doesn’t show a lot yet, but c’mon, Shara thinks about things she hasn’t ever thought about before … and Katharina as well ^^ It’s a start)

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