Alt-text: "It looks more like she was beaten up ... but I guess she got those bruises from branches in the woods and from falling down several times and at the end ..."
And here begins chapter 3. I like the artwork in this page ... but I'm not sure I like the name I gave this chapter. Maybe I'll change it later on.
I wondered wether I should put in some chapter title pages or something ... but I'm already just posting once a week and that'd feel like cheating ^^ (And I was too lazy to draw it in addition.)
And, if you still haven't figured out, what the emblem of the Mage's Guild is ... take a guess.
Updated on 2018-02-10: I did change the chapter title later ... I can't even remember what it was, originally :x
2 thoughts on “page117”
Uuuh the tension! Peck doesn’t look too friendly, does he?