<A little later, Shara and Katharina followed the thugs to an abandoned building and are talking quietly outside>
Katharina: You're sure they went in there? Why would they bring him here?!
Shara: I bet they wanna question him.
Katharina: So he's STILL ALIVE?!
Shara: Yeah, but he's not gonna have a great time if we don't hurry.
Katharina: But how do we -
<Cpt. Slania has snuck up behind Katharina and grabs her across the mouth>
Katharina: - HMMMF!
Shara: KAT!
Slania: Explain what is happening here.
Shara: YOU?! Let her go or I'll cut your arm off! Did YOU get bought, too?
Katharina: Mmmhm!
<Slania lets Katharina go again, who stumbles towards Shara, gasping>
Slania: Not here to hurt you. Was called away from the barracks, but something seemed OFF. Came back to see abandoned posts and a missing prisoner. And YOU TWO. Who are you following?
Katharina: ... did you have to GRAB ME LIKE THAT?!
Slania: Sorry. You seem like you scream when surprised.
Shara: ... well, she's not wrong ...



Alt-text: "I kinda wonder if whatever Kat was trying to do in panel 3 would have worked ..."

Look who it is! And who hasn't really gotten any more tactful!

Just to note: they are still all supposed to be talking quietly here ... I just found that when I do whole pages in the "whispering" grey it kinda looks strange. So just imagine they are appropriately whispering ... or far enough away.  

Also ... sorry, Kat, people kinda do that to you, don't they. Including Shara.

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