
Alt-text: "A great spell to evade overweight fees."

What Katharina has to find here is to find a balance between the effort it takes to carry a grown woman, and the effort it takes to keep up a continious magic effect. She can't normally carry Shara for two hours straight, but she also can't keep a levitation spell up on her for two hours. There actually is something like making a spell effect permanent - or at least lingering by itself for a while, but it takes a great effort to apply ... significantly more than Katharina has the time and nerve to do right now.

Also, I noticed in the last few pages I sometimes placed the speech bubbles ambigously concerning the order of speech ... I shall try to avoid that in the future. See the transcript if you're unsure if something is supposed to come before or after something else *ahem*.

Updated on 2018-02-03: Unfortunately, there's no real way to swap out the positions of the two bubbles in panel 3, else I'd have done it. Sorry.

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