<Shara slowly regains conciousness, while hearing two people talking>
Ethkett: Well she PROVOKED him and then he punched her. Not that much more to that. That really worth your time, Captain?
Captain Slania: I decide what's worth my time.
Ethkett: Alright, if you want to ... but it was just a small fight. Not even a REAL fight ...
Captain Slania: I'll be the judge of that.
<Shara opens her eyes>
Ethkett: Whatever ... why don't you ask her directly? I think she's waking up.
Shara: ... ngh ...
Ethkett: And unlike HER, I have ajob to do.
<Shara discovers she is in her room, with Captain Slania towering over her>
Captain Slania: Oh, I INTEND to ask her. I have some MORE questions for her, anyway.
Ethkett: I'll be in the tavern room if you need me ...
Shara: <Ngh> ... oh fuck my life ...



Alt-text: "As a bartender, Ethkett only considers something a 'fight', as opposed to just a harmless 'bar brawl' if at least one limb is missing afterwards."

Oh, hey, it's the Guard Captain! Good day, officer!

I like this page, even if panel 1 could be considered a bit ... lazy, sorry ;)

Relettering is at page 52.

2 thoughts on “page251

  1. But, the table is probably missing some legs … not enough limbs to make it count as a fight? ^^

    1. I guess artifical legs don’t count, otherwise she shoudl’ve counted Shara’s metal one ;)

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