Straw: Alright guys, get some rope and tie her up before -
<An arrow hits the Drak that was holding Shara's left arm in the eye>
Straw: - FUCK!
Straw: That came from the trees! There's still someone there!!
<Shara uses the distraction to break free of the byzarian thug's grasp and pull the arrow out of the Drak's eye>
Byzarian thug: SHIT!
<Shara rams the arrow into the byzarian thug's throat>
Byzarian thug: HRGK!
<Straw gestures at the other thugs around him>
Straw: What are we PAYING you for?! GET OUT AND FIND THEM!
<Straw looks back at Shara who is trying crawl away from him>
Straw: And YOU! I've had ENOUGH of this! You've HAD your chances!
<Shara is crawling onto some crates>
Shara: Ngh ... SHIT! C'mon! Where are you, Kat?!
<She screams out, louder than should be possible>



Alt-text: "I see Pesh still has some of his custom, black-feathered arrows left ..."

For some reason Shara always ends up with guys who think they need to do her a favor by "protecting" her, whatever that means ...

Straw might be the first one who doesn't want to get into her pants, though (too much hair, no enough scales).

2 thoughts on “page430

  1. Ah, so this was happening parallel to Kat’s search for the sword. And now’s the moment when she throws it.
    Good riddance, Straw, I guess you’ll meet your end pretty soon …

    1. He might not be fully prepared for what happens next, yes ;)

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