Chapter Eight

Alt-text: "Someone's watching ..."

Welcome to Chapter Eight: "Ghennôm"!

The banner you can see here is, as you can probably guess, the one of the Serpent Empire. The flowers bound to the hilt down there are violets. (And yes, I know that real violets have much rounder petals ... but this is how I started drawing them a while ago so that's what they look now. They're Lady-violets. ;) )

So we have the Empire, and we have Lady Violet ... and others waiting in the wings. And things are going to come to a head in this coming chapter, as was probably already obvious in the last few pages.

Oh and what does "Ghennôm" actually mean? Don't worry, I will elaborate on the next page (as that was actually created much earlier than this title page).

Thanks for reading!


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