Alt-text: "This is kinda going better than expected, isn't it?"
Shara: So ... ... what happens NOW?
Katharina: Oh LHÛN ...
Shara: I guess we have to leave it in the tomb? And don't let anybody wander in there? I mean we don't know who ELSE it's going to try and speak to, right?
Shara: I ... don't think he's trying to speak to anyone but me.
Katharina: You don't know that for sure! It also might try and change its strategy now that you didn't ... you know.
Shara: ... take it and KILL ALL OF YOU?
Katharina: T-that's NOT FUNNY, Shara! This is all very alarming!
Shara: I ... I know it SOUNDS that way. And I don't really understand it either. But I have a feeling that he - THE SWORD - he doesn't wanna HARM us. He just wants to get out of here. And away from ... HER.
Katharina: "HER"?
Shara: Yeah. The EMPRESS, I guess? That down there was one of her generals, didn't you say that? Maybe he just doesn't want to be a weapon for the Baroc anymore.
Katharina: That ... that COULD all be true. And I fully believe that YOU believe it, Shara. But it sounds like this is an INTELLIGENT ARTIFACT - and a TELEPATHICALLY ACTIVE one at that. That is as RARE as it is DANGEROUS. And I can't just TAKE YOUR WORD for it ...
Katharina: I have a responsibility to all these people here. I'm sorry.
Shara: <sighs> It's ... fine. I wouldn't trust myself either after this.
Katharina: I ... I'm sorry.
2 thoughts on “page377”
Actually I think the very fact that Shara and Kat are talking this through instead of Shara just grabbing the sword some pages ago proves that there might have been some luring, but no influencing here (or at least, no magical influencing – choosing to apear as Gideon surely had some effect, unconsciously). But still, between Inidie Jones and The Mummy, I can understand that Kat is a bit paranoid around ancient artifacts …
Dammit, mistyped my email address again …