Katharina: I do have to CLARIFY one thing, though: While we are grateful for Lady Violet's support, this expedition is led by the MAGES' GUILD. And more specifically by ME. I hope that won't be a PROBLEM for you?
Book: Oh most certainly not, Miss Grauch. I'm just here to SUPPORT you. I will follow your orders and help where I can, nothing more. To be honest, I'm very EXCITED about the whole thing. I actually ASKED the Lady to be sent with you, you know?
Katharina: DID you, now?
Book: Er, well, YES I -
<Shara appears behind him and puts her hand on his shoulder>
Shara: Is THAT him?
Book: <surprised> ARG! E-excuse me?
Katharina: <sighs> YES Shara, that's him. Mister Book, this is SHARA, the friend I told you about.
Book: OH, I see! Er ... in that case I look forward to travelling with you! I am JESTER BOOK, pleased to meet you, Shara!
Shara: Mhm ... you're right Kat, he doesn't seem THAT dangerous. A bit JUMPY maybe.
Katharina: That ... tends to happen if you SNEAK UP on someone, Shara ...
Shara: Yeah but the REACTION says a LOT about that person. And it's pretty funny. Heh.



Alt-text: "For example: if that person turns around to stab you in the stomach, it might be someone nervous."

Not much to say right now ... a lot to do in real life so I'm not getting to much more than uploading the pages every weekend.

One thought on “page283

  1. Good then that you already finished relettering :)

    Re the page: So, at least Book is not someone who usually needs quick and violent reactions to survive. Doesn’t mean he can be trusted … although on the other hand, he looks a bit like he might actually enjoy taking orders … from Katharina … *ahum*.

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