Ki'i'Mar: It has been YEARS since Maq was a Dragoon. You should be in MUCH better shape than him. But that was a BLATANT MISTAKE you did there. Leaving that GAPING OPENING in your defense. I mean even I could see that, and I' not exactly an expert on this ... GRUNTY PUNCHING STUFF like YOU two ...
<Na'Ki coughs and tries to stand up again>
Na'Ki: I-I'm sorry, Gena, I will -
Ki'i'Mar: It can't be because of your SIZE DISADVANTAGE, can it? They wouldn't even ALLOW you to be a Dragoon if THAT would've been an usse, would they? Much less giving you the honor of being a GENA'S ESCORT ...
Ki'i'Mar: Not if you were too SMALL and WEAK to do it. There must be a reason they put you here ... together with HUNKS like the FIRST DRAGOON BHAR. He must be what, DOUBLE your size? It's pretty ridiculous, right?
Ki'i'Mar: Oh, EXCUSE ME, are you trying to STAND UP again? I really don't think I allowed you to DO that, yet.
<She zaps Na'Ki with painful magic, Na'Ki collapses again>
Na'Ki: ARGH!
Ki'i'Mar: Maybe I should start doing that every time you FAIL. Maybe that would MOTIVATE you a bit more.



Alt-text: "What happened to that 'friendly boss' act, Ki'i'Mar ... ?" 

For panel 4 I tried to find a color that I fits the best for pain magic but also doesn't look like anything else (yellow would've looked like actual lightning, I already use blue a lot for telekinesis and misc stuff etc.).

So what I ended up with was ... mint green. I'm not sure it works as well as it should.

2 thoughts on “page314

  1. Maybe a bright angry red with streaks of violet would do the job? This mint color makes me associate something cooling, it somehow doesn’t fit well for me – although in the end it is not really important, because we can see clearly that pain is inflicted in some magical way ^^

    1. Maybe I’ll try that next time – though I hope for anyone with Ki’i’Mar that the next time is not too soon … but yes in the end it’s not that I’ve really codified any magic schools to colors so … I’ll experiment some more, thanks for the feedback :)

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