<In the jungle, after some thankfully uneventful days ... >
Shara: Still no signs of the ones who fucked those forsaken up?
Pesh: No. If they are still following us they're careful to keep their distance.
Shara: I don't like this. I bet they are waiting until we find ... whatever the fuck we're about to find here.
Pesh: Possible. Be sure to keep reminding these Guild folks to be on their guard.
Shara: I sure will. Right now they're all busy loading the stuff from the carts onto the pack animals. Will take at least half an hour more.
Pesh: And you'Re not helping them?
Shara: The leg is a great excuse to get out of things ...
Pesh: You didn't seem to shy away from physical work before, Shara.
Shara: Yeah ... we'll maybe I just don't want to hang around these guild dweebs all the time ...
Pesh: <grins> Heh. You were waiting for ME, weren't you?
Pesh: Are you sure it's not because you wanted to do something ELSE while we're waiting?
Shara: PLEASE.
Pesh: I love it when you say that.
Shara: ... you think you are pretty GREAT, don't you?
Pesh: I think I do have my moments, yes.
Shara: What a surprise.
Pesh: But I also think a lot of YOU. Even if you don't believe it.
Shara: Oh I believe it. You spend at least half of your time OGLING MY ASS.
Pesh: ... not what I meant.



2 thoughts on “page339

  1. Uuuuuh, I saw a sprinkle of red on Sharas cheek …

    1. N-no that was … blood. From a fight, right!

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