<It's the next morning. The sun is shining while the survivors are cleaning up and coping in general>
<Fernanda kneels in front of a dead body, holding an old hat in her hands. Chris is behind her, trying to comfort her.>
Fernanda: ... WHY? I ... I knew Eddis was a bastard, but THIS?!
Chris: You couldn't have seen that coming. The captain certainly DIDN'T ...
Fernanda: But why did it have to ... t-to ...
Chris: I am so sorry, Fernanda ...
<Meanwhile, Professor Queahn is sitting in front of another corpse>
Queahn: ... They should have listened to me. Even YOU didn't believe me. You just couldn't fully understand ... now matter how hard you tried.
Queahn: You have been with me longer than anyone else. You gave me hope when I had none. I ... I don't know how I am going to go on alone.
Queahn: But I am going to try ... what else can I do?
Fernanda: F-father ...
Queahn: ... Farewell, Cornelius.
<Katharina sits a bit away, just watching and looking really tired>



Alt-text: "Being generous with page length is so much easier if most of it is just white ..."

A moment of silence ...    


... and then a word on the composition of the expedition: at this point you might be wondering who even is still alive at this moment (i.e. who do these shilouettes in the background belong to?)

The thing is, you obviously know all of the main cast and supporting cast who is in the jungle (Kat, Shara, Pesh, Book etc.), and I also made a point of introducing all of the expedition guards (mainly to make page 414 have more impact). Who I didn't introduce everyone of is the "civilian" helpers and laborers - we know the professors, and we know Frederick as one of the wagon drivers, but there were several more (and you could see some unnamed extras here and there throughout the chapter).

The reason I did it that way ... well, I basically didn't want to think about it too much and wanted the ability to throw in unnamed extras in the background here and there ;)

One thought on “page438

  1. I just hope Kat doesn’t get this “guilt of the survivor” thing, or starts feeling guilty because she is the leader of the expedition … after all, safety was not her concern, that’s what the captain was there for, and she never went against her council or did anything else that led to this. On the contrary, she probably saved a lot of innocent lifes (at the same time ensuring the deaths of a lot of not-so-innocent ones).

    For sure, she could use someone to hold on to here, who is not responsible for most of the bloodshed. In such moments, it is always good if you can find comfort with a good Book … (oh yes, I absolutely love his name)

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