Guard Captain: <squints her eyes> Yeah, you're right! Looks like a person carrying another!
Guard Captain: <points forward> GET OUT THERE AND GET THEM IN!
Guard 1 & 2: Yes, sir!
<Both guards approach Katharina>
Guard 2: Ma'am?!
Guard 2: Ma'am, who are you? Are you okay?!
Katharina: <with Shara on her back, totally exhausted> ... h-help ...
<Katharina collapses>

<Gates of Serpent's End, at dusk>
<Guard captain stands at top of the gate and looks into the jungle>
Guard Captain: Okay, folks.
Guard Captain: It's getting dark - close the gates!
Guard 1: Alright ... c'mon, Fred, let's hope the night's watch is on time today ...
Guard 1: <looks to guard 2> ... what's up with you?
Guard 2: Wait, there's someone coming! YOU SEE THAT, SIR?!

<Katharina carries Shara along, talking to herself>
Katharina: ... Why me ... I hate this jungle ... why does it have to be me ... NGH ...
Shara: <very weak, falling unconcious> eating me ... fuck ...
Katharina: And all for someone who HATES me! UNGH! Lhûn give me strength ...
<More sounds from the surrounding bushes>
Katharina: Wha - ? NGH ... p-please protect me ... please ...
Katharina: ... I won't survive this ... NGH ...
Katharina: ... please ....
<fade out>

<Katharina carries Shara on her back through the jungle>
Katharina: Ngh ...
Shara: <weakish> dead ... all dead ...
<Some noises come from the bushes behind them>
Katharina: W-what ... What was that?!
Shara: <weakish> ... the guards ...
Katharina: CRAP! Ngh ... please no ...
Shara: <weakish> ... guard beast ... eating me ...
<Katharina tries pick up some speed>
Katharina: CRAP ... c'mon ... nh ...
Shara: <weakish> ... black ... flying demons ...
Katharina: Please shut up ...

<Katharina stands up, having removed all of Shara's armor>
Katharina: A-allright, armor's off, and now ...
Shara: <weak> ... please hurry up ... I don't want to know what those "guards" are ...
<Katharina casts some magic on Shara>
<Shara starts to glow>
Shara: What ... what d'd'y'do ... ?
Katharina: Well, I ... I can't levitate you the wholöe way ... but I can make you lighter ...
<Katharina picks up Shara and throws her over her shoulders>
Katharina: HNGH ... that should be ... easy enough to keep up ...
Katharina: ... I ... hope ...
Shara: <weak> fuck ... fuck ...

<Katharina starts opening the straps on Shara's armor>
Shara: ... I can't feel my hip ... I could be pissing myself and not notice it ...
Katharina: Could you please NOT say that while I'm UNDRESSING YOU?!
<Katharina fumbles around unsuccesfully on a bent buckle>
Katharina: Almost done here ... why doesn't that strap OPEN?!
Shara: fuck ... fuck ...
Katharina: <increasingly frustrated> Aw ... nh ... ah goddammit!
<She sears the strap open with magical fire>
<She looks at the burn scar left at Shara's right leg>
Katharina: O ... oh crap, sorry Shara ... did ... did that hurt?
Shara: No ... I WISH it did ...
Katharina: A-at least now it's open ...
Shara: Hooray ...

Shara: <weak> ... please ... help me ... do something ... I'll give you money! I'll do everything you want!
Katharina: <frustrated> I CAN'T HEAL YOU, ok?! I'm not GOOD enough!
<Shara gathers her last strength and tries to sit up>
Shara: HNGH ... then ... carry me ... to the city, please, there's ... got to be an antidote ... K-Kshar said there's an ANTIDOTE!
Katharina: CARRY YOU?!
Katharina: I can't carry you for hours! I'm REALLY sorry, Shara, but -
<Shara manages to sit up and grabs Katharina by her sleeve, looking really desperate>
Shara: PLEASE! Please! Use magic! Teleport me! Levitate me! Turn me into a rat! I don't care! PLEASE!!
Katharina: O-okay ... okay, let me think ... let me think for a while, a-alright?
<Shara sinks back down>
Shara: I ... I can feel my hip getting numb ...
Katharina: O-okay, maybe I can carry you with some telekinesis ... But you have to drop that bag ... a-and the armor ... the less weight, the better ...

<Katharina bows over Shara, tries to catch her breath again>
Katharina: ARGH ... ngh ... okay, wait, don't panic! <pants> M-maybe I can do something about <huffs> ... the poison ...
Shara: <whining> ... I can't feel my legs ...
Shara: Help, please ... heal me!
Katharina: <panicked> I'm - I'm TRYING, okay?! Sh-shut up and HOLD STILL!
<Katharina tries to heal the poison with magic>
Shara: <groans>
<Katharina hangs her head>
Katharina: ... I ... I can't, I'm sorry ... It's ... it's everywhere ...

Shara: PLEASE! I can't feel my legs anymore! I don't want to get eaten! PLEASE, KATHARINA!
Katharina: A-alright ...
Shara: <crying> I'm sorry for everything I fucking said ... I'M SORRY!
<Katharina kneels beside her and tries to grab her>
Katharina: I SAID ALRIGHT! I'll ... I'll try ... eh ... something.
<Katharina tries to pull Shara up>
Katharina: UNGH! You ... you have to help me! Stand up, C'MON!
Shara: <half-delirious> I can't! I can't fucking stand! I can't feel my legs!
<Katharina is not strong enough to carry Shara, and both fall down>
Katharina: ARGH!
Shara: Ngh!

Katharina: Wait for me, WAIT!
Shara: NO! No! Don't leave me! human, please!
Katharina: <looking at Shara with deep regret> I ... can't help you ... I-I'm sorry ... I'd really like to, but ...
Shara: No, please ...
<Shara hangs her head, with tears in her eyes>
Shara: Don't leave me alone ... I beg you ... please ... P-PLEASE ...
Shara: ... by all the gods and their mercy ...
<Katharina bites her lip, being unable to decide>
Kshar: <shouts from far ahead> LAST CHANCE, HUMAN!